Elo Speaks
5 min readMay 22, 2023

Lebron James is the topic of discussion and the reason for this particular volume in terms of his toxic fanbase and how they operated around the NBA when it comes to die-hard NBA fans and casual NBA fans because Lebron is the emitter of the toxicity around him and everyone that deals with him from a basketball perspective. Now I want to let it be known that this is not about LeBron as a person it’s about the negative energy that he emits through his media manipulation tactic and news propaganda that he does when it comes to certain stories coming and how it’s covered through sports.

Let's start with the sports media we all know when it comes to the sports media they are a big root cause of the lbj toxic fanbase and how they operate. Sports media outlets like ESPN, FS1, ETC are constantly pushing lebron james propaganda and brainwashing almost every day with nausea and it has people sick and tired of it. No other player gets as much coverage as LBJ especially if they are on a small-market team. I keep only promoting one player as the face of the league its going to make people that are fans of another team disinterested because they going to feel if they don't have a super team or superstar athlete then what's the point in going to the games or buying NBA league pass to watch your favorite team get crushed by big market teams that have superstar talent.

SIDE NOTE: this is the reason why the NBA as a whole is not doing better than NFL, MLS, etc they don't push their other stars in the league as much because it's always about LeBron and what team he's on and can he contend for a title this year or next year, etc and it's tiresome and I'm ready to move on from the LeBron James experience. He's a great athlete and a great basketball player, I think we as NBA fans are ready to see the next generation of talents forge their legacy by winning titles and accolades.

The next topic is regarding the sports media we already know lbj has sports media analysis sprinkled around the sports networks "allegedly" I not going to name anyone in particular right now in volume one I'll do that in later videos further down the line once multiple volumes come out because is insidious toxicity of LBJ fanbase is a multi-layer in terms of how things are perceived through the mass media. When it comes to the sports analysis that allegedly paid agents of LBJ to speak glowingly of him constantly when he does something great and make excuses for him when fails and falls short of his goal such ad winning an NBA title for example and it's so annoying. He doesn't have any help, he never had a hall-of-fame head coach like Jordan did which is not true, he's always facing super teams, he's carrying "bums" to finals, etc. Praising him while covering him from blame. Now granted LeBron has had his fair share of critics in the sports media as well I'll be honest when it comes to that, but for every one LBJ critic, there are two LBJ fanboys ready to defend their "king" to the "death" in a debate.

SIDE NOTE: I don't hate Lebron as a person. I don't know this man and he doesn't know me I just giving my perspective on how I see him and his toxic fanbase and how they permeate throughout the NBA community spewing nonsense and verbally attacking people who don't bow down and worship Lebron as some type of diety or how they scream to the heavens how he's the GOAT or MJ and they fight anyone who disagrees; Also they belittle and downplay older great NBA players that came before lebron calling them plumbers and mailman which is so disrespectful who the guys who pave the way for players like LBJ to be as successful as he is today so when lbj fanboys disrespect those guys I just shake My head in disgust seeing thing like that having to pull an all-time great down just prop up lebron it's shameful.

To end this volume 1 series I want to reiterate that LBJ is the root cause and the origin point of the toxicity of his fanbase and all the bad that comes with it throughout the NBA community. I know that even in year 20 lbj is still one of the biggest names in the league right now, but the shenanigans and foolishness that come lbj are like a big circus because of the heavy media coverage when it comes to sports analysis, the beat writers, and worst of the fanboys and that constantly praise this guy for his mediocrity every time he does something that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things outside short winning an NBA title. This is just the tip of the iceberg of LBJ and his toxic fanbase and how they move throughout the NBA community.

SIDE NOTE: I'm not saying that every LBJ fan is a toxic fanboy, there are cool chill people who are fans of LBJ and they are not toxic and obnoxious about some of those people being close friends of mine or people that I've had cordial debates with, but they are far and few between from the vase majority of the die-hard toxic fanboys whether it's in the sports media, social media, or just talking about basketball to the everyday sports fan most of the fandom of LBJ is toxic.

“A man who loves others based solely on how they make him feel, or what they do for him, is really not loving others at all — but loving only himself.”

Criss Jami

“You will never really see how toxic someone is until you breathe fresher air.”

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Lebron Fanbase is Toxic Vol 1 :Lebron James https://anchor.fm/elo-speaks/episodes/Lebron-Fanbase-is-Toxic-Vol-1-Lebron-James-e24gu58

Elo Speaks
Elo Speaks

Written by Elo Speaks

Hey guys welcome to my page, I’m Elo Speaks and on my page we talk about everything that’s going on in sports right now regarding the latest trending news

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