Elo Speaks
8 min readMay 29, 2023

Lebron James and his Fans doing the power toss at a Cleveland Cavaliers game.

Now in this part of the series of Lebron James Fanbase is Toxic chapter 2, I want to go into more depth about the sports media and how they contribute to the toxicity of Lebron James' narratives and propaganda. The sports media has been fawning over LeBron James for over 20 plus years in high school since he was a big phenomenon coming out of St Mary high school and then getting drafted to the Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team in 2003. Throughout Lebron James' career, he’s been media savvy in how he has been portrayed in the media doing his best to have a squeaky-clean image of being a model citizen and a proper role model for kids. Also, Lebron James has played the media game where he moves like a government politician by having alleged paid sports media “plants” sprinkle throughout the sports networks just to try and control the narrative of his NBA career and how it’s viewed by his fanboys and the NBA fans at large. So that’s where the “Lemedia” comes into play in all this when it comes to Lebron James and the toxicity of how coverage in sports is media.

In all my years of watching the NBA, I’ve never seen a basketball player outside of Michael Jordan get this much sports media attention ever and there have been great players that have graced the NBA floor, but they have never got the media coverage and attention as Lebron James has nowhere near close. Whether you are watching First Take, Undisputed, Up, First Thing First, The Herd, and more. Best believe there will be a topic regarding Lebron James and whatever team he’s on for the moment because we all know how LeBron James likes to run and switch teams when it’s not beneficial for him to win a title or if doesn’t have enough "help". Most of the tv network glorifies Lebron James to no end and rarely if ever gives him any criticism if he has a bad game or misses the game-winning shot and costs his team the game by not coming up big in the clutch. The sports media puppets will make excuses by talking about his stat line or how he didn’t have enough help from his teammates, blaming the head coach if something doesn’t go right, blaming the referees saying “Lebron is not getting any foul calls" usually scapegoating the third or sometimes the second best player on the team constantly throwing them under the bus at all turns just to protect their "king" Lebron James.

Side Note: Now I understand that LeBron James is one of the biggest stars in sports I perfectly understand that and ever since high school when he was dubbed the "chosen one" and was on the cover of sports illustrated magazine he had a lot of pressure on him to live up to the billing and he has lived up to the hype after being drafted number one overall in 2003 to be completely honest he far exceeded the hype by having a historical career, in being in my personal opinion a top ten NBA player of all time, to say the least. But when comes to the sports media coverage of him it gets tiresome after so many years of the sports media talking about him covering him every single day even when it’s the off-season or when he’s not in the playoff picture they stay trying to find ways to insert him the NBA conversation even when there was no need to at all and that’s what makes the sports media toxic.

Lebron James on the cover of Sports Illustrated Magazine.

Now I’m pretty sure most people who are sports savvy and aware of the sports landscape know that Lebron James has allegedly paid sports media puppets on the sports networks. Spewing propaganda and sports narratives about Lebron James talking about him in a more favorable light to the masses of the NBA community and also making contrived pre-planned narratives aka excuses for when he succeeds and accomplished a great feat or when he falls short of his goal of ultimately winning an NBA final while doing so it serves as red meat to the already die-hard Lebron James fanboys in your everyday day walk of life. It also serves as ammunition for his critics that see right through the facade of his bogus narratives that are propagated for his sports media fanboys on the sports tv networks. I don’t need to name anyone in particular for this chapter. You know who they are if you’re perceptive and not a gullible mindless sheep. They each are going to get their separate chapter detailing how much of a toxic fanboy they are in their unique way in how they add in the toxicity of being a fanboy for Lebron James.

Side Note: I want to state that I don’t have any personal gripes or issues with the alleged paid sports media puppets on these sports tv networks working to promote Lebron’s image in the media. I’m not saying they are bad people not at all, I’m just saying they are bought and paid and you can see that unless you are a brainwashed Lebron James toxic fanboy. So when that is the case as regards these taking heads on tv it’s best to not take their “takes” seriously only for entertainment value because by the end of the day, they are just a conglomerate of funny trolls on tv sometimes being clowns base on the crazy outlandish “takes” that they have just to go viral and have a “hot take”. I completely understand they are a business by the end of the day and are going to do what’s best to drive ratings for their company and get as many clicks and eyeballs as they can. I understand Lebron James is a lightning rod whenever he is the topic of discussion on these debate sports shows or social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok; in addition to podcasts as well. If you as a sports tv personality and you are talking NBA then 99% chance Lebron James is going to be the topic of discussion for the vast majority of the show and they talk about the other star players in the league and how they revolve around Lebron James as if he’s the only player in the league that matters. It’s a shame because when it comes down to it knowing that a lot of these NBA or sports analysis in the media are in Lebron James’ pockets make it hard to take them seriously as a sports personality because we as the viewer don’t know of this is their honest take or biased perspective to protect Lebron. So they end up losing credibility in the public eye because they are looked at as phony talking heads with a contrived agenda given to them by Lebron James’ camp to regurgitate to the NBA community at large.

My next point when it comes to the toxic Lebron James fanboy media talking heads on tv or podcasts speak about Lebron James is that its always about him possibly winning another title and then they talk about the other players around the league whether it’s a star player being a treat to him winning another title or a star player possible joining to help him win a title so he can get all the credit when they win and non of the blame when if he fails and it goes on like that in a cycle through the NBA season and sometimes the off-season. Once that happens sports media narratives and storylines are allegedly pre-planned. There always has to be a story to put Lebron James in a good light whether he succeeds or fails that’s when the toxic fanboys cue in the excuse-making such as he didn’t have enough help, he was hurt, he was playing against a super team that couldn’t be beaten even though he creates his super teams and cherry pick his teammates to stack the deck in his favor to compete, but the fanboys hate when you talk about a part. What’s toxic about the Lebron James narratives is most people know even his toxic fanboy knows it’s a brainwashing propaganda that they spew is contrived and pre-planned courtesy of "Klutch sports", allegedly but the fanboys in the sports media or with large the masses don’t care as long they can protect and guard their "precious" "king" from criticism at all cost they will play along with propaganda for the Lebron James storyline.

Side Note: while it’s obvious that Lebron James has alleged paid sports media puppets talking heads on tv networks speaking glowingly of him because he is the media darling and cash cow they are constantly making irrational excuses for him after many of his constant failures coming up short while they were constantly propping him up as this unstoppable force in the league. It’s pathetic if you ask me. While he thinks this a good idea, in theory, it hurts him in the long run because the toxic fanboys are always propping him to be this Hercules-type superhero that can defy any odds, climb any mountain no matter high and dangerous, and succeeds, but when he ultimately fails it does is give his critics double the ammunition to attack Lebron James with full force when he fails and nobody is gonna want here any of the excuses from made from his toxic fanboys because we already know there’s a biased narrative so they end up not getting taken seriously as sports pundits because they are bought and paid for allegedly.

To end this chapter I want to state that I’m not trying to slander Lebron James' name and likeness, I just calling out what most people see in the sports media around the NBA community. Lebron is neither good nor bad; he is a polarizing figure that people like to talk about in mass when it comes to the game of basketball; while doing that he capitalizes that by trying to control the narrative on how people view him and speak about him which is a no go for I going to call how I see when it comes Lebron James I won’t be blinded by the allure of him like his many "blind witnesses" as skip Bayless calls them. Lebron James moves like a politician in the sports world telling people a bunch of fluff to his fanboys trying to make himself more than what he is. When you are a little kid looking up to Lebron I have no problem with that. I can see that a lot of Lebron James fanbase has a good potion young kids looking up to him as a basketball player, but when grown men are idolizing this man as some sort of deity god-like figure or Ironman superhero it gets cringing and annoying to watch as a fan of the sport overall having his fans that are grown adults older than myself act this way, especially on these tv networks it’s just seen as toxic.

Elo Speaks
Elo Speaks

Written by Elo Speaks

Hey guys welcome to my page, I’m Elo Speaks and on my page we talk about everything that’s going on in sports right now regarding the latest trending news

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